
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Wittgenstein’s first book. Sorrows of a Young Wittgenstein. English is first, German second. Introduction by Bertrand Russell.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Philosophical Investigations
Wittgenstein’s second (other) book. German should be on the left, English on the right. If your reader doesn’t display it that way, let me know.

Wittgenstein, Ludwig
The Blue and Brown Books
These are notes that Wittgenstein wrote in preparation for Philosophical Investigations. This version is very badly typeset; it’s the best one I can find right now.

Frege, Gottlob
Here’s Frege, the guy that Wittgenstein and Russell love. Wikipedia claims this is the first work in Analytic Philosophy.

Frege, Gottlob
The Foundations of Arithmetic
Another important Frege book, which examines the philosophical foundations of mathematics. One very interesting aspect of this book is that it was translated by J.L. Austin, the “speech act” guy, the one that Derrida critiqued in “Signature Event Context.”

Russell, Bertrand
The Principles of Mathematics
This is the book in which Russell introduces the paradox that Wittgenstein talks about in 3.333 of the Tractatus and tries to resolve.